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How To Draw Fantasy Maps


How to Create a Realistic Fantasy Map

A Guide for Storytellers


From islands to worlds, a physical representation of a storyteller's vision can make all the difference. Fantasy maps allow authors to visualize and develop their fictional settings, bringing depth and immersion to their narratives. In this blog post, we'll explore the art of creating realistic fantasy maps, guiding you through the essential steps and techniques.

Step 1: Gather Inspiration

Before you start drawing, gather inspiration from real-world maps, fantasy literature, and artwork. Study the layout of different regions, the shape of coastlines, and the distribution of natural features. This will give you a solid foundation for creating a believable setting.

Step 2: Define the Scale and Scope

Determine the size and scope of your map. Consider the world's scale, from a single kingdom to an entire continent or globe. Decide on a map projection (e.g., Mercator, Peters) that accurately represents the world's shape and dimensions.

Step 3: Outline the Major Features

Start by drawing the major geographic features of your world, such as mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, and forests. These elements will serve as the foundation for the rest of the map and help establish the world's physical characteristics.

Step 4: Add Details

Once the major features are in place, fill in the details by adding smaller rivers, hills, towns, and other landmarks. Use a variety of symbols and textures to represent different features and create a sense of depth and realism.

Step 5: Develop the Topography

The topography of your map is crucial for creating a sense of place. Use shading, contour lines, or elevation maps to indicate the height and slope of mountains, valleys, and other landforms. This information will help readers understand the world's terrain and its impact on transportation, trade, and warfare.

Step 6: Incorporate Political Boundaries

If your map represents a world with multiple nations or political entities, clearly delineate their borders. Use colors, symbols, or lines to indicate the extent of each territory and establish the political landscape of the world.

Step 7: Create a Key or Legend

Include a detailed key or legend that explains the symbols and colors used on the map. This will help readers understand the meaning of different features and make the map more accessible.


Creating a realistic fantasy map is an essential skill for storytellers who wish to bring their worlds to life. By following these steps and using your imagination, you can create a map that not only serves as a guide for your story but also immerses your readers in the vibrant and believable setting of your fantasy world.

